When the wrestling season is about to start that's when everyone starts really hitting the weights. Everyone tries to lift as much as they possibly can so that they can be their strongest for the season so that dominating your opponents will be easier. If your new to lifting weights or would like to learn some more about lifting weights to give yourself some more knowledge so you can get the best results, then here are some weight lifting tips to help you build your wrestling muscle.

First off lets clear one thing up. All of those ads you see on the internet and magazines about getting ripped in four weeks are absolutely false. Your body can not make those drastic improvements in just one month. The truth is that it takes 4-6 weeks just for you to start noticing any kinds of changes. So don't expect to get ripped in a matter of weeks. It's going to take some time, and it's going to take a lot of hard work.

Alright so we know that lifting a certain amount of weight, for a certain amount of reps will cause different changes within the body. If you don't know anything about weight lifting because your new to it then here it is real quickly. To gain endurance in your muscles then you want to lift 40-70% of your max, 12-25 reps, for 1-3 sets, at a tempo speed of 4/2/1. Or in layman's terms, 4 seconds to lower the weight, 2 seconds of holding the weight in that lowered position, and 1 second to move the weight back up.

 If your looking for hypertrophy, (muscle size growth), then lift 70-85% of your max, 8-12 reps, for 2-6 sets, and a tempo speed of 2/0/2.

Lastly if you are looking just to increase your maximum strength then you want to lift 85-100% of your max for 3-5 reps, for 4-6 sets, and the tempo speed can be between 2/0/2 or as fast as can be controlled, depending on what you want to do.

Another factor to your workout that is going to vary depending on which changes you want to occur within your body is your rest time between sets. For the muscle endurance program you have a 0 second to a minute and a half break. For the hypertrophy program you get only up to 45 seconds of rest. Then lastly for the maximum strength you get a 3-5 minute break in between sets and exercises.

So depending on what your looking for when it comes to this wrestling season whether it be that you prefer to have a great endurance so that you can outlast your opponents during long matches, or if you are trying to get bigger and gain weight for a heavier weight class or if your just going for sheer strength to try to overpower your opponent quickly then there is one thing you have to remember. Do not overwork your muscles. Because if you train them for too long and do not give your muscles and adequate amount of rest then you will actually be doing more harm then good. If your overworking your muscles do not expect to get any of the results you want.

Another thing I would like to mention is you should know your body weight before and after your workout because whatever amount of weight you lose while working out you need to replenish with water.

Also if you truly want your workouts to be successful then you should follow these 2 things that are even more important than the workout itself. The 1st thing would be to make sure you have a good nutritional plan so your body can have the tools it needs to repair itself. Then lastly sleep is crucial. This is the time when hormones are released in the body to repair your muscles. It is actually the time when your muscles grow and develop. If your really dedicated then go to bed no later then 10:00 PM, and get up no earlier than 6:00 AM. I know these times are a little unrealistic due to our busy lifestyles but just try to get as much sleep as possible.

So there are a few weight lifting tips to help you build your wrestling muscle for the upcoming season.

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