Now lets talk about the most detrimental mistakes that can be made by not only beginning wrestler, but more experienced wrestlers as well. This mistake would be not fully understanding the rules fully, and how to execute moves properly. After discussing these problems there will be some wrestling tips listed to help anyone with these problems.

     So first off lets discuss wrestlers who dont fully understand the rules of wrestling. Even if someone is just a little unsure then this can effect their wrestling greatly. Because this will make you wrestle more conservitaly to make sure you dont break any of the rules and get penalized. For example, lets say you dont know the rules regarding locking around your opponents waist with your arms in collegiate wrestling. In a match you will be apprehensive about ever locking around your competitors waist in fear of getting penalized. This in turn could allow him to excape or even do a couple reversals without you knowing if you can defend by holding him by the waist, or not. Just by not knowing that one aspect of the rules could result in you not being able to be victorious.

 So first off when it comes to wrestling you need to know what type of wrestling your competing in, (collegiate, freestyle, or greco-roman). Because all of them vary so make sure you know what type your in. The posts following this article will be stating the rules to each style of wrestling and also a little about each type. Then once you know which one your in then you need to obviously memorize all the rules and terms. Then you can wrestle with confidence knowing in full detail what you can and can not do. 

Alright another important aspect that a lot of beginning wrestlers make is how to execute moves. It can be very frustrating when you learn moves in practice but the next day you cant remember the steps on how to do it. It can be especially frustrating when this happens during a match in front of not only your coaches and fellow team, but a crowd.

  Thats why on this site a list of takedowns, escapes/reversals, and pinning combinations will be featured so its easier to learn. For some wrestling tips obviously you need to repeatively practice these moves so they become a natural movement. But more importantly you need to learn moves with proper form and technique. Becuase those are the key things that either makes a move successful or not. So along with the list of moves you will have tips and techniques to each move that you will need to know.

The last wrestling tip on this subject would be Do Not try to learn all the moves you possibly can. What you need to do is pick two takedowns, escapes, reversals, and pinning combinations. Then master those moves. If you go off and try to learn everything you can, when it comes to a match you wont remember, or will mix things up. So keep it simple and just specialize in a few moves for takedowns, escapes/reversals, and pinning combinations.

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