The majority of wrestlers cut weight so they can get to lower weight classes so that they don't have to wrestle bigger kids. Also in the hopes that if they cut then they may be bigger than their competitors. But there are a few wrestlers who gain the weight and try to wrestle bigger wrestlers. In this article we will talk about how to put on the weight and also discuss the way that bigger wrestlers wrestle, and how to get an advantage on them.

If you are use to cutting weight in the past then you are going to find obviously that gaining weight is much better than losing it. But just make sure that when you are attempting to gain weight that you don't go about it all the wrong way. Yes, now you can start eating junk food if you want, but obviously the majority of the weight gained you want to be muscle, not fat. So lets talk how you can go about gaining weight.

First off eat often. With the law of thermodynamics you must consume more calories than you burn if you want to gain weight. Secondly it is commonly said that if you want build muscle then you must eat a lot of protein. Well this is true but to an extent. See protein has a few possible uses, but lets go over just two of them: 1. It repairs and builds muscle tissue, 2. It can be used as an energy source. Now knowing a few of proteins possible uses here is the information that the majority of people don't know. You see the majority 50-70% of your food source should come from carbohydrates a day. Then protein should be 0.8 g/kg per day or 15-30% of your total caloric intake, and 10-30% of calories coming from fat a day. If you do not consume enough carbohydrates then your body will take protein to use as an energy substitute. The more protein that your body has to use for energy then the less protein you have left over to be used for muscle repair, and building. So make sure you aren't concentrating on just consuming protein because you wont see a change in your body if it's being used for energy instead of what you want it for. So make sure you also eat a lot of carbohydrate rich foods.

Also you don't need to consume an outrageous amount of protein to build muscle, and get bigger. Really all the protein you need a day can be determined by a simple calculation. This formula is if you want to be an endurance athlete then consume 0.4-0.5 grams of protein per pound you weigh. Then for strength athletes you should consume 0.7-0.8 grams of protein per pound you weigh. Also when consuming this amount of protein try to spread it over multiple meals instead of getting all this protein in just one meal.


Now I know the majority of wrestlers are in high school and college. Everyone also knows this is an age group that loves to go out to drink and party. But if you are trying to build muscle and gain weight then drinking and partying can undo all your hard work in the gym and put you weeks behind.

If you are serous about trying to wrestle big then barely have alcohol if you are the legal age, or better yet don't consume any. Also sleep is more important when building muscle than your actual workouts themselves. This is because this is the time when your body releases hormones, and repairs and grows your muscles. So you need to be getting as much sleep as possible. For more information on this you can read my "build your wrestling muscle" article. That article also tells you how many sets, reps, and amount of weight you should use in the gym for different results.

 Now lets talk about the certain weight classes and how most kids wrestle in these classes. When looking at the light weight classes from 103 pounds to about 125-130 pounders you will see that these wrestlers wrestle quickly. They put a lot of speed and agility into their matches to try and beat their opponent. Then with the middle classes from 135 lbs to 160-171 pounders these wrestlers use a little speed, but mainly use strength, and technique the majority of the time. But lastly with the 189 lbs to 285 lbs wrestlers it's about using there size and strength.

This is especially true with the heavyweights. They just try to muscle there opponent to the ground and when most of these wrestlers that I have seen get put on their back then they are done for. So if your going to be wrestling in these bigger weight classes then there are a few things you should do to get an advantage.

The first thing is that you need to build a strong endurance so you can tire out your opponent and out last them. The second thing you need to do is really master escapes for when your on bottom. When I watch heavyweights if your on bottom they can't really get out from under their opponent. Does this mean that all heavyweights are unable to perform escapes? No I have seen a lot of wrestlers in these weight classes who are very proficient at wrestling in neutral, top and bottom. But the majority of the heavyweights that I have seen do seem to have trouble in some of these areas. But if you can't perform escapes and waste a period being stuck on bottom then your not gaining valuable points that could win you the match. So really practice and master some escapes or reversals. Thirdly a lot of heavyweights do not shoot for the legs. They concentrate more on throws and tripping. Since no one really ever shoots for their legs they get into a bad habit of standing up straight too much and not having a good stance. Which leaves their legs wide open. So you should find a way to capitalize on their bad stances. Whether it be a takedown where you feel comfortable shooting for their legs, or a move where you can trip them. Lastly in practice you should wrestle kids who have up to 15 lbs or more in weight on you. If you get use to wrestling kids who have a good amount of weight on you then when you wrestle a kid who is closer to your weight in a duel or tournament then they will seem lighter, and it will make it easier for you. Just be careful and not to overdo yourself because you could get serious injuries from wrestling kids way too heavy. So be careful!

So if you are deciding to be wrestling big this year then there are some ways to put that weight on. Also some ways that you can improve you wrestling to get an advantage on your big competitors.

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