Wrestling Tips Against Sking Infections

Protect Yourself


When it comes to this sport the one thing that you want to be diligent about is hygiene and cleanliness. At first that sounds weird but let me explain.

When it comes to hygiene I mean is right after practice, a duel, tournament, or whatever- you need to SHOWER! Because you are getting in contact with lots of other peoples sweat and if you dont clean off then you can end up getting such skin infections such as ringworm, and infantigo.

If you do happen to get one of these then guess what? You may not be allowed to wrestle (depending were it is). Along with that you will have to go to the doctors and get a cream or whatever to get rid of it.

Now this may not sound too bad to some of you but some of those skin infections leak puss, itch, and burn, and are not pleasant to have. Plus just think what the girls in your school are going to think.

So for your wrestling tips , do not delay getting in a shower. Also make sure your wrestling mats are clean if you have any in your house. Because the mats do get cleaned at school. Also make sure obviously that you wash your wrestling clothes and singlets regularly.

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